
Kalush territorial community maintains high investment attractiveness for investors.

The result of investment activity of enterprises is modernization, technical re-equipment and expansion of production of competitive products, as well as the creation of new jobs. Productive cooperation with foreign investors provides access to new markets, innovations and technologies, creates new business opportunities for local enterprises.

An important role in ensuring the stable development of the community is played by the positive dynamics of growth of capital investments, which are the costs of acquiring or creating tangible and intangible non-current assets. Investments are of great importance not only for the future state of enterprises but also for the economy as a whole.

In 2021, enterprises and organizations of the territorial community have mastered UAH 557.3 million at the expense of all sources of funding capital investments. The share of the territorial community in the rate of capital investments developed by enterprises and organizations of the Kalush district amounted to 59.7%,  and in the general regional volume – 6.6%.

The city council and executive bodies are making a lot of efforts to increase the investment attractiveness of the community. Considerable attention is paid to the development of infrastructure to attract investment.

As a result of cooperation with LLC “CHAS”, a private industrial park "Kalush industrial HUB" (an area of 18.7306 hectares) was created, which by the order of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine dated 30.08.2021 No. 483 is included in the Register of industrial (manufactured) parks. By the decision of the Kalush City Council of 28.10.2021 No. 910 "On the creation of an industrial park on the territory of the village of Bodnariv, Kalush city territorial community of Ivano-Frankivsk region", the initiative was supported and the concept of creating an industrial park "Bodnariv" (an area of 16.8789 hectares) was agreed. Work is also being carried out on the creation of a municipal industrial park in the industrial zone of the city, with an approximate total area of 40 hectares.

Kalush territorial community takes the lead in terms of indicators of foreign economic activity among cities, districts and regions and is a leader in this area.

The rate of exports of goods in 2021 amounted to 693.3 million US dollars, imports – 532.1 million US dollars.

The positive balance of foreign trade in goods amounted to USD 161.2 million. In the exports of the Kalush district, the specific weight of subjects of foreign economic activity of the territorial community amounted to 92.6% (in 2020 - 87.8%), in the total regional volume of exports of goods - 61.8% (in 2020 - 41.7% ), imports – 55.5% (in 2020 – 39.9%). In terms of the volume of exports of goods, the Kalush community took first place among the territorial communities of the region. Partners in foreign trade were non-residents from 81 countries.
