Projects in action

Construction of a plant for the production of propylene oxide

The largest enterprise in the city of Kalush, LLC "Karpatnaftokhim" is completing the implementation of the investment project "Production of propylene oxide". The capacity of the propylene oxide production facility will be 2,700 tons of finished product per year. The purpose of the planned activity is to obtain propylene oxide, which is used for further synthesis of polymeric materials. The construction of the plant for the production of propylene oxide is carried out on the territory of Karpatnaftokhim LLC within the leased land plot with an area of ​​about 1,500 m2.

Commissioning works are currently underway.


Reconstruction of production facilities at "Carpathian Ceramics" LLC in Kalush

One of Kalush's largest enterprises, Karpatska Keramika LLC,, resumed its work after the first stage of reconstruction.

A new technological line with a capacity of 2.5 million square meters has been installed at the enterprise. ceramic tiles per year. Small clinker tiles will be produced on it. After completion of all stages of modernization of "Carpathian Ceramics", its capacity will grow to 8.5 million square meters. m. of tiles per year.

The equipment for the Carpathian Ceramics plant was partially financed by a letter of credit from JSC Praveksbank (Intesa Sanpaolo group) in the amount of 3.2 million euros.

Also, the "Epicenter K" group of companies simultaneously opened a new factory for the production of ceramic tiles and ceramic granite in Kyiv region in the village of Kalynivka, Vasylkivskyi district (Kyiv region) The total amount of investments for both productions currently amounts to 172 million euros, of which 95.7 million euros will be invested by GK "Epicentr K" in the coming years.


Overhaul of St. District in the city of Kalush, Ivano-Frankivsk region


Highway along the street The district road in the city of Kalush (Kalush city TG) is extremely important and is a necessary transport artery that connects the industrial zone with the city, villages of the Kalush district and other highways of the region. It is also used as a bypass road of the central part of the city, and connects the industrial zone of the city with the highway H-10 of state importance (Stryy — Ivano-Frankivsk — Chernivtsi). Therefore, the condition of the road affects the development of the economic potential of the city, Kalush district and Ivano-Frankivsk region. Capital repairs were partially carried out with the funds of the city budget - about 600 m of the street. District in the amount of more than UAH 4.2 million

Transfer of the road (Okruzhna St., part of Lytvyn St., Mostyska St. and Hlibova St., 8.7 km long, which lie within the city of Kalush and are part of the road of territorial importance T-14-19 Mykolaiv-Rozdil-Zhydachiv-Zhuravno -Kalush) from communal ownership to state ownership (of the State Highway Agency) made it possible to attract state funds for its repair.

The purpose of the project is to ensure high-quality, comfortable and safe transport connections between business entities of the Ivano-Frankivsk region, the city of Kalush (Kalush urban territorial community), Kalush district, Verkhnyansk TG, Ukraine and to improve the transport infrastructure and investment attractiveness. The cost of repairs is UAH 240 million.

The implementation of this project became possible due to the initiative of the leadership of the Kalush City Council and cooperation with Oleg Marusyak - a native of Kalush, a member of the Verkhovna Rada, a member of the Committee on Finance, Tax and Customs Policy.

 Creation of a food industry enterprise on the street B. Khmelnytskyi in Kalush


After many years of searching for investors on the territory of the unfinished construction site "Tower Crane Factory" on St. B. Khmelnytskyi in the city of Kalush, Ivano-Frankivsk region, the creation of a new food industry enterprise was started. The production buildings, built back in 1992 by the "Ukrbud" corporation, have been preserved in a fairly good condition.

It is likely that a line for meat processing and the production of other products will be equipped here, which, in particular, is the specialty of Ivankovetski Sausages LLC, which is well-known in our region and beyond. Its founders, having extensive experience in this field and knowing the production technology, are ready to help install the equipment.

The German partners of the enterprise owner are also interested in participating in the implementation of the joint business project, ensuring the supply of the necessary modern production equipment.

With the help of the mayor Mr. Andrii Naida, according to the technical solution of KP "Vodoteploservice", the investors have already managed to lay a new section of the water supply to the plant in a relatively short period of time. The storm drain was cleaned. Also, the territory is surrounded by a fence, equipped with lights for lighting, security is engaged to take care of the buildings. Connection to the medium-pressure gas network is planned. After receiving the relevant permit documents, work on the implementation of the project will continue.

Participation in the cross-border cooperation program "Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine 2014-2020"


As part of the implementation of the project "Culture in reflection - restoration of the House of Culture in Sein (Romania) and the Concert Hall in the city of Kalush (Ukraine) into Multicultural Centers", restoration works are being carried out in the concert hall of the Department of Culture, Nationalities and Religions of the Kalush City Council.


The grant contract for the reconstruction of the concert hall, according to which the city will receive more than 325 thousand euros, was signed on September 13, 2019. The works are planned to be completed by August 2021 in accordance with the requirements of the international project. It provides for expenses for the restoration of the concert hall, the arrangement and landscaping of the surrounding area, the purchase of furniture, sound and light equipment, and a minibus. The issue of restoration of the entrance door of the concert hall is also being considered, which will be handed over to the local museum after the work is completed.



launched an investment project

regarding the release of a new wrapping polyethylene film


      In the workshop for the production of ethylene halide derivatives, their polymers and copolymers, KARPATNAFTOKHIM LLC produces not only the main commercial product - high-density polyethylene, but also three types of films. In particular, wrapping, covering and bag film for packing polyethylene in 25 kg bags and packing in pallets.

Until recently, the wrapping film was produced from linear polyethylene of the American company Dowlex, which has its factories in Switzerland, Spain, Germany and Holland. Linear polyethylene produced by Aramco from Saudi Arabia was used for the production of the cover film and bag sleeve. It was decided to produce all types of films from Aramco's linear polyethylene and, accordingly, to abandon expensive polyethylene from the American company Dowlex. After that, appropriate engineering and technological changes were implemented on the production line.

After the release of the first trial batch of the film (400 kg), a laboratory analysis of the mechanical, adhesive and other properties of the film was made. It turned out that in terms of adhesive properties, it was even better, and in terms of mechanical properties, it was no worse than the wrapping film, which was previously produced from linear polyethylene of the American company. In the first decade of January 2021, more than 10,000 tons of wrapping film were produced. If necessary, the volume of manufactured products can be increased several times.


Prepared from the materials of the official website of "Karpatnaftokhim" LLC

 More information about the company's products and the possibilities of their use:

 Scope of products of Karpatnaftokhim LLC: