About the city

About the city of Kalush

A picturesque corner of Prykarpattia — the city of Kalush is located in the northeast of the Ivano-Frankivsk region. One of the main advantages of the city is its advantageous geographical location. A well-developed transport network connects the city with Central Europe and the West by air, rail and road. A network of asphalt roads connects Kalush with other cities, such as Lviv (130 km), Uzhgorod (280 km), Kyiv (560 km). These and other cities are also connected to Kalush by railway.

Within a radius of 300 km from the city there are borders with Poland (150 km), Hungary (300 km), Slovakia (300 km), Romania (240 km), which provides easy access to the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. 30 km from Kalush, in the city of Ivano-Frankivsk, there is an airfield capable of regularly receiving heavy transport aircraft (Boeing-767, IL-76, IL-86).

According to the nature of the relief, the territory of the city consists of a flat part. The surface of the city is divided by the Limnytsia, Sivka, and Mlynivka rivers. 1|10 of the city is covered by forests.



The climate of the city is moderately continental, humid with cool summers and mild winters. Kalush lies in the Atlantic-continental climatic region. The climate in the city is formed under the predominant influence of moist air masses of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. This causes a sharp drop in air temperature in winter to -20°С and an increase in temperature in summer to +20°, +30°С. Winters are usually mild, summers are warm. The average temperature in January is -4°, -10°С, in July +18°, +25°С. The period with a temperature above +10°C is 160-170 days. The frost-free period is 150-155 days. Annual amounts of precipitation vary between 600-800 mm. The main amount of precipitation falls in the warm period. This is due to the fact that the city belongs to a humid, moderately warm acroclimatic zone, and the city's climate is significantly influenced by the proximity of the Carpathian Mountains.